QuickTime & Control Bar Help and Useage
I don't have the plug-in .
You can get it right from our server: Apple Quicktime 7.1.3 Installer for Windows. If you are running Mac, Linux, or other system, please go to Apple's Quicktime.com.
I cannot see a video at all. / I get a "download plugin" or "install plugin message." / I get a "Do you want to install and run..." Security Warning popup. / I have the plug-in, but still cannot see and/or hear the video.
If you see one of the following messages, or a similar message when accessing the video pages, your system does not have the QuickTime plugin.
Internet Explorer users can simply click "OK," to their "Security Warning" pop-up. The plug-in is designed and maintained by Apple.com, and is installed by default on most Apple/Macintosh "OS" systems. QuickTime is a very common media player and is safe to install.
All users, Mac or PC, can always visit Apple's QuickTime page to download the latest QuickTime plug-in. The latest plug-in should also correct any audio or video problems anyone might experience with older QuickTime plug-ins, which may have become outdated.
Volume is too low / Can't hear the audio well...
Apple's QuickTime Plug-in has its own audio volume level, which is independent of the Windows volume control. If the QuickTime Plug-in volume is set too low, the QuickTime audio may be inaudible.
To adjust the QuickTime audio, use your mouse to click-and-hold (not click-and-release) the leftmost icon on the QuickTime control bar , which is a button that looks like a speaker ( ). Then, adjust the volume slider by moving the mouse up, and release the mouse button. Notice the volume icon-button itself indicates the volume level, and appears without "sound waves" if the volume is too low( ), compared to high:( ).
Why do the vidoes "pause," "freeze," or "restart"?
Apple's Quicktime plug-in automatically will pause/freeze and/or restart a movie depending on download conditions.
The plug-in attempts to play the movie as soon as it downloads. If the download speed is slow (see below regarding slow speeds), the Quicktime plug-in will opt to load more of the movie before continuing to play, since the movie cannot be loaded fast enough to play during download. You can over-ride this behavior by manually playing the movie yourself, although Quicktime will automatically re-start the movie when it has downloaded enough frames.
What Causes Slow download Speeds?
A variety of conditions can slow your connection. It could be something very local to you, like old wiring in the house, or someone picking up a phone (modem or DSL only). Cable users may experience severe slow-downs during peak hours, since cable lines are shared by other subscribers, where-as DSL lines are dedicated lines (not shared). It may be something out of anyone's control, like a seedy celebrity video being downloaded worldwide, causing an entire world-wide slow down (yes, it has happened).
Very rarely, a server between you and your destination may malfunction, causing routing problems. This is a lot like a single phone line being down in a huge network, causing serious trouble, but only to a few unlucky subscribers.
It might be that the server you are specifically trying to reach is down, or overloaded. It could also be that a single file on an otherwise okay server is being heavily used or downloaded, as in the case of these video files.
If the server or file is being heavily downloaded, try to get the file later. Then, save the file to your hard drive if you plan to view it again, so that you won't be caught in "heavy [internet] traffic" again.
For the QuickTime plug-in, the "save" feature becomes active once the video is entirely loaded, and is found in the right-most control panel button (about & settings button).
How do you control the movie?
The depiction at right identifies all of the QuickTime movie controls.
Notice that you can use the freeze / step buttons to watch the video frame-by-frame!
You can also click-and-drag the playhead to instantly jump to any (loaded) frame of the movie.
The gray area underneath the playhead displays how much of the video can be viewed while downloading.
Also, once a movie has entirely loaded, the "save" feature activates, and can be found in the about & settings button.